Letter from our Chair of the Board, Matt Fritch

April 3, 2023
April 3, 2023 bryan

Letter from our Chair of the Board, Matt Fritch


Dear Members of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce,

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I take on the role of Chair of the Board. Having spent over two decades in business operations and advocacy, I am confident in contributing to the Chamber’s goals and promoting the economic prosperity and interests of the Hollywood business community.

Transparency, inclusiveness, and collaboration are fundamental values that I aim to foster within our organization. Open communication and cooperation with our members, community partners, and local government officials are essential to achieving our objectives. As such, I look forward to working with our board of directors,  our new President and CEO, Steve Nissen, and his leadership team to gain insights and better understand the perspectives of all stakeholders. Through open dialogue and candid conversations, it’s our duty to provide stability and support for the Hollywood Chamber to succeed.

I am committed to identifying new growth opportunities, enhancing the cultural vibrancy, and advocating for initiatives to strengthen the Hollywood business community. By working collaboratively and creatively, we can establish a dynamic ecosystem that fuels growth, attracts talent, and enhances our city’s reputation as a hub of innovation and creativity. I am honored to be a part of this collective effort and look forward to working with each of you to achieve our shared vision. Together, we have the opportunity to create an innovative and forward-thinking community that not only celebrates the best of Hollywood’s past but also embraces the exciting potential of its future.




Matt Fritch

Chair of the Board

Hollywood Chamber of Commerce