2023 Vice Chair: Pamela Marcello • Co-Chair: London Kemp Boykin • Meets every other month on the fourth Tuesday at 4:00 PM.
The Arts, Culture, and Hospitality Committee of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is a newly formed committee that combines the Chamber’s former Tourism and TEAMS Committees—dedicated to promoting and supporting the Hollywood community’s arts, culture, and hospitality industries. The committee works to enhance the area’s cultural vibrancy and encourage the growth of the tourism and hospitality sectors. To achieve these goals, the committee may develop and implement marketing and promotional campaigns, host events and activities, and work with local businesses and organizations to support Hollywood’s arts, culture, and hospitality industries. Through its efforts, the Arts, Culture, and Hospitality Committee is vital in strengthening these critical industries in the Hollywood community.
Supports the Chamber’s strategic plan goals and objectives related to engaging, serving, and advocating on behalf of Hollywood’s diverse creative arts community – including entertainment production studios, performing arts venues, galleries, and theaters.
The Hollywood Chamber is committed to developing industry-focused programming each year, such as the annual Entertainment Industry Conference. This conference focuses on the latest trends and developments affecting the entertainment industry.