Member $60
Non Member $75
This year’s virtual conference will include key conversations on production, safety, sustainability, sound stages, and exclusive insights on how entertainment is changing faster than ever. Hear from Industry executives during panel discussions, in-depth conversations, and unique Q&A sessions about current projects, trends and what the future holds.
Each year, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and exclusive media partner, variety, join forces to produce a conference to inform and enlighten attendees on relevant topics ranging from safety to sustainability within the entertainment industry.
Known as the entertainment industry’s chamber, the Hollywood Chamber is committed to supporting local film, music, and television production, which is essential to California’s strength and overall economy.
The event attracts industry executives and offers panel discussions, in-depth conversations, and unique Q&A sessions. Speakers are preeminent entertainment leaders speaking to industry attendees about current projects, trends and what the future holds. All conversations are moderated by highly respected entertainment authorities.
Sponsors of the event are entertainment based and are impacted by industry trends. Our partners gain essential exposure while aligning their brand with the Hollywood Chamber and large media companies. Event partners are able to market to a specific audience and are in excellent company alongside other high-profile supporters.
- Speaking opportunity during program
- Mainstage banner branding
- Special acknowledgement on social media promotion
- Company logo featured on press release
- Company logo featured on e-invite
- Company logo featured during virtual event
- Company logo on post-event digital assets
- Sponsored chat message during the event
- Email blast following event with messaging of your choice
- Full page as in Chamber's quarterly newsletter, The Advocate
- Number of tickets: 20
- Company logo featured on social media promotion
- Company logo featured on press release
- Company logo featured on e-invite
- Company logo on post event digital assets
- Sponsored chat message during the event
- Email blast following event with messaging of your choice
- Half page ad in Chamber's quarterly newsletter, The Advocate
- Number of Tickets: 15
- Company logo on social media promotion
- Company logo on press release
- Company logo on e-invite
- Company logo highlighted during virtual event
- Company logo on post-event digital assets
- Number of Tickets: 10
- Company name on social media promotion
- Company name on press release
- Company name on e-invite
- Company name shown during virtual event
- Company name on post-event digital assets
- Number of Tickets: 5
For information on sponsorship, contact at (323) 854-0099 or